Monday, May 17, 2010

Rob Bryanton on Kelly Howell's weekly Podcast

Imagine my surprise, to find that Kelly Howell has a webpage and weekly podcast event (I'm a fan of her mind opening CD/meditative guides).  Further imagine my surprise, to see that I'd just missed her weekly podcast - with one of my strongest influences (supporters really) of how I think 'things are' - Rob Bryanton!  

Certainly the biggest sync I've had in a week or 2 at least - and exciting at that!

Rob is the creator of the incredibly important (and viral) understanding of the dimensions we call 'reality'.

Rob Bryanton's 'Imagining the 10th Dimension'

(inside sync - Rob 'stumbled' on (nothing is by chance, everything is for a reason) my bonsai blog months back - and 'that' is what led me to discovering him!)

Here is the podcast from May 13th.  Can't believe I missed it, but only by a few days..

Rob Bryanton discusses 'beyond the 3rd dimension' on Kelly Howell's Podcast

Probably the one thing that gave me shivers (and I will have to go back and listen to the entire podcast now) is when Rob mentions the theory of another thinker, that discussed 'black holes' inside humans.  This person's viewpoint of the dimensions and how they work differs from my own, but that someone else also had the same concept as myself about 'black holes' existing within us was amazing to hear.  See my own post about 'lightful black holes' being in actuality - our Chakras  

What appeals to me about Rob and his ideas - is that it so mirrors mine (He's had more time to think , build, and advance his ideas - that elusive 'time' feature), however he and I are not unique - indeed Rob is voicing what many are beginning to perceive,  and what many have thought for likely thousands of years (One can certainly go back to the respective times of the Sumerians, Mayans, Egyptians, and also concepts in Hinduism to see that man has been thinking not only about their place in the cosmos, but that the cosmos has more to offer than what we are able to readily experience in the '3D' of the 3rd dimension).  As a friend of mine puts it, living in the '3d' can be hard when you're always getting glimpses from the 5th!  (This told to me almost a year before I discovered Rob's work on the 'net)

That is another amazing fact about this podcast; that he discusses much the 5th dimension and how much of spiritual and meditative travel, messaging, conversations beyond the physical - paranormal inter-connectivity is through the 5th dimension or even higher.  Also the explanation of the differences of the 4th dimension to the 5th (and higher) when trying to understand images or events that have transpired during meditation, dream travel, or much of the sensual experiences that are often 'written off' as insanity, or worse in other times.

Thank you Rob and Kelly and those like you for being the beacons and offering open discussion for all on these important viewpoints.  Indeed we are 'expanding' and I found the jumping jesus concept not only truthful but something we should indeed ponder. The speed of our technological advancement is indeed moving in leaps and bounds. I hope that our spiritual development is able to walk forward arm in arm with our mind's growth, so the day when we 'can' point to a spark of life and 'name' it, terminology will not split us on what we call this Oneness.


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