Friday, September 25, 2009

So what is this all about?

If you've read this far back, then you may be trying to figure out who I am or where my ideas come from - or what the basis of this blog is.  Well this is that post.   May/June of 2008, I was in a rough period of my life.  This probably comes as no surprise to those already awakened to themselves, or are on the path to enlightenment or 'living a full life'.  Times of pain and trouble, can cause us to raise to our greatest heights - or sink to our lowest lows (once you've hit this 'low' there is nowhere else to go - but up).  This time of hardship and lows - has brought me to a 'high' that I'm not ever retreating from.  My 'coccoon' as described in the 'Sacred Path of the Warrior', is in tatters, but I keep it nearby as a reminder, of where I have been, and where I 'really' want to be, what I want to be, in this life.  I was 'born' catholic, and married catholic, but I'm not a practicer.  I'm heavily into the writings of the Dalai Lamas, Buddhism, Dharma, and many other Eastern Influences into Spirituality.    This is my theme; not religion, but true spirituality, blended with science.  As we advance in technology, we're beginning to prove and build the foundations that we've forgotten already in our past, but is retained through history and religion;  True Spirituality and communement with God or One, is within each of us to produce and live by.  We can no longer live only with the teachings of religion - which are the teachings of man.  I humbly feel we each hold our own answers to One inside each of us.  This blog is about sharing my experiences in this spiritual exploration and sharing these experiences as conversations with other Mindful people.

That's it in a nutshell - this post could be paragraphs, but would turn into a sleeper.   My hope is that this blog will be Daring, challenging to the minds of all (including my own), causing us to re-think Everything we feel we know as Right and Wrong, and spur us all to realize - we know Nothing, yet we have the answers to Everything, inside all of us.

As my 'About Me' pic shows, I have seen my vision of the 'Great Eastern Sun'.  That is - I have seen my Light, Our Light, and it is Good.

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