Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tides of Change

What really is Change?

Change is Living life, and not growing stale.

Change is taking a step into a new frontier, and Loving the Experience as you do it.

Change is what you make of it - But it is always the presentation of a new, different Reality for you, and possibly others who wish to share this Reality.

Life on this planet is a shared existance, it is a shared Reality; We can't just step off the planet, or step through a wormhole and be elsewhere in the universe!  (Or can we?)

When someone makes a Change - they are reflecting back growth energy into this 3D/Time existance, as well as a 'framework' into Oneness, that closely parodies the actual 3D existance we actually find ourselves in.   'Change' gives the option of a 'new' reality, 'a new beginning'.  With Change, comes the option of using the tools of Love, or Fear.   Will Fear keep you from ever making that Change you are aching for?  Or will you find the Passion of Love, to go forward fearlessly and encounter a new, different experience - a new different Reality?

In this shared Reality we are creating (and ever growing!) - our options are endless, even so far as removing our ability to create intentful Change.  This can already be seen now in some societies, where options are more and more removed, leaving a worn, often followed path of 'quickness' to an end goal being more the 'experience' encountered, than the 'experience' of the actual journey!

We can have our technology,and our spirituality as well - but first we must meld them honestly, into a new Path.  With no Fear, built on the Frameworks of Love and driven with Passion.  The times of the next Tide approaches Quickly now upon our world and all of humanity.  Do not Fear!  This tide has lapped our shores multitudes of times in our mutually shared Reality we call Earth.  It will continue to ebb and flow, and with it as tides do upon the sands of the beaches, it will wash over and help expose, Loving Change.

Embrace this Change you are feeling.  Embrace your experience - it is happening and it is ours, as it has always been, but now it is exposed with this current Tide.  Our time of Change is Now.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Humanity Revolution, our right to exist

Over the ages various beings in the annals of History have stood forth and offered us a glimpse of greatness - the possibilities that are One - Humanity's One.  Sometimes we've created villians of them; often times they become the focus of a 'movement' and as such, many have passed from Reality into the context of Religion.   An even larger portion have no 'name' written down in history for us to discuss - because they did not wish it, or led most humble lives - imparting their wisdom as they deemed right.

However we 'remember' them, their message have always been the same put forth by these beings into the context of their surroundings and their own existance.   That message has always been one of Love.  Love oneself, Love others, Love thy Neighbor, love your children, love your village, love Everyone.

How do we, how can we, why do we - continue to brush aside these messages?   When do the hermits, saints, shamen, holy women and men from all walks of life, come down from their mountain retreats and begin teaching us again, what we continue to forget as a species?

It's all too easy to write something off as 'human nature'.  Human Nature is the ability to inflect thoughtful, Mindful Change around us.  As someone wiser than me once said 'Be the Change you want to See'.   And so these Mindful Beings before us have done so, yet how much of it is taken literally, or just used as pomp and circumstance of some religions for 'other' purposes?

The assortment and uniqueness of these Mindful Beings is without end; they have come from all branches of life; Poor, Rich, Man, Woman..  They have come from a myriad of backgrounds, they 'are' a reflection of Humanity, at our very Best.  There to serve as guides to any that come after that seek this same Oneness, or 'enlightenment'.  Offered in an endless list of tongues, hidden within many of today's Religions, others lost in time, but their impression on those around them was the message itself that they came with.  These messages are strewn across our entire globe, in communities and religions so far flung, as to not even have an idea of each other's existance.    The 'One' message is there, when do the Many decide to answer it's call?

When do we all 'wake up' and find our own messages, awaiting us?   Is it possible for 'everyone' to wake to an internal resolution to be 'more' than they are now?   What would have to happen to cause the rich to not horde, the poor to not lose hope and determination, the angry to find Love, the Hateful to find Peace within..  What 'would' it take?

I'm not here to offer up conclusions, or ideas about the future, rather I'm seeking the answer to this question for my own knowledge - and maybe if I knew this answer, I could help produce it, place it into motion in other's Reality, allow it to breathe and have a life of it's own.

Or maybe that has 'already' been done, and the conclusion awaits our United grasp?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Chakras are Lightful 'black holes'?

I'm exploring a thought that came to me during an incredibly insightful meditative session earlier this week.  As I've said I love to mix spirituality with'reality' and that includes science, and technological discoveries.  21st Century shaman at work.

This idea came to me due to the many readings and video/audio descriptions I've heard over the past years of the Chakras and how they function.   Often when one has a chakra that is closed or clouded, many say it is 'out of alignment'.   The Chakras point in to our energetic spine,, except the crown which points 'up' (similar to a 'pole' on a gravity effected sphere).  This description led me to the idea of the chakras, being lightful 'black holes' that we learn to open and close, during chakra meditations and cleansing.  Their workings as I've felt myself and often heard described, are often as flowers opening, or fans turning on and off, or of round multi-doored portals opening and closing.  However always inward, and then, up at the crown.   The Root chakra, is explained as our anchor and connection to the ground and earth (gravity?).  So let me pull this into my 'black hole' thoughts.

With alignment of your chakras, you allow the breath of life and energy to flow in you effortlessly, to the point that most when finished meditating feel recharged, full of more energy and perception then before they began.    Pulling in all of this energy however, there is only so much we have a use for (sort of like taking vitamin C - you can 'overdose' on it, and your body will quickly 'flush' it out), and as I have gathered from my learnings, closing our chakras after meditative sessions is crucial to stop the release, of all the energy claimed and filtered/cleansed and also to stop unwanted energy from entering the chakras..  So with the chakras closed, where does the extra stored 'energy' possibly go that many seem to pick up during meditation?  Any material contained in a vessal effected by gravity has a natural state; it would find a point of exit from the container (us) it filled if possible.  Energy/light is indeed affected by gravity, could not this extra 'energy' circle within us at our chakra points looking for an exit?  Possibly extruded through the crown chakra at times (controlled or otherwise) - just as super-large black holes eject energy out of their poles?  Just as many express that their out of body experiences, begin with exiting their own body by 'rising up' from their being?

I had an experience early on in my meditative experiences, where I felt I wanted to leave my chakras open after I was done meditating.  It seemed a test had occured to me to 'perform' but at that time, I had no thoughts or understanding of how the chakras work as I do now..  I left them 'open' for near 3 weeks.  It was very stressful, by the end I felt truly overloaded and worn down.  When I meditated and closed them finally, I felt my entire being sigh with relief, and I could feel my levels of stress slowly lowering, just as floodwaters retreat after great storms.

So if chakras are lightful black hole points in our spiritual being, all 'aligned' inward with the crown pointing upwards out the energetic spine - this also extrapolates somewhat into how many describe the experience of 'out of body' travel, and how they first 'exit' their physical being.   Are these 'abilities' of out of body travel fueled by stored energy, that is given a focused exit instead of an 'ejected' mindful method versus that of a wild black hole shredding stars, gaining mass, and ejecting out it's poles forcefully?

With Meditation, practice, focused intent, can we 'control' and utilize this gained energy?  Have we just scratched the surface of what we can do with our minds in these 3D framework human form?

I say, Yes.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Tibetian buddhism, with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Having read Shambhala: The sacred path of the warrior (I keep mentioning this book, albiet it's far from the 'only' reading that I'm pulling from these days into my life), I found myself awash with feelings of love, understanding, acceptance - I felt as if I 'knew' Chogyam personally after reading, and then I also knew that as infinite spirits go - we must have paths that have crossed in the 4th dimension of time, before.   His way with words, simply enveloped me into his tellings and thoughts on being a Gentle being.   I am far from stating that I am a 'bodhisattva' yet the aims of those that have come before me, create such a wave of warmth over me; without really being aware of it, my first 36 years of life, were already lived with this 'goal' or way of being in mind.  The past year of my own expansion and awakening, I've taken up my old internal beliefs - and found them already uplifted by hundreds, thousands of those alive today and in lives past in history.  The times we face today - and our being here at this time are not by chance.  Nothing, in this great existance is by chance.  This does not remove the ability of 'choice' or of creating your own existance - but with the view that the universe is infinite and that we do 'create our own reality', any moment we make a choice we create an alternate existance or reality - which isn't too hard to fanthom as possible when dealing with infinites.

So back to my friend Chogyam, and his many writings.  I'm delving into many other books he wrote - his spirit was certainly one of joyful Light and insight, simplistic, straightforward, honest, without shame.  Decency, as he writes - abounds in his own pages, yet he takes no credence for this; a true lightful being, a true bodhisattva.

To Quote Chogyam Trungpa:

"When there is daring, you dare to do something: you put forth your vision fearlessly. People have doubts about big vision because they don’t have a sense of gentleness in themselves first. So gentleness brings daring and a sense of fearlessness. Daring is appreciation of letting go in the fundamental sense. First you develop gentleness toward yourself; then you begin to develop daring, which is connected with how to express your gentleness to the world outside, how to proclaim your sanity. Your are not going crazy because you have seen the Great Eastern Sun, which is the symbol of expansive vision in the Shambhala world. Rather, because you have seen the Great Eastern Sun, you are very daring and at the same time very gentle and soft. The softer you become, the greater the message to the world becomes."

I have seen my vision, my reality of the great eastern sun.  That is to say, I have faced my fears and now manage my internal issues rather than letting them live through me.  I am living to be the best human I can,. the best helper, healer that I can be to myself, my family, friends, neighbors, people on the other side of the planet!  In a sense without knowing it until I found the 'label' for how I feel about myself, I found this on wikipedia (wikipedia is just incredible, a wealth of information)

Shepherd-like Bodhisattva - one who aspires to delay buddhahood until all other sentient beings achieve buddhahood.

This I feel is my goal and reason for being (I feel this was my goal even before I came into this existance).  To expand myself so that I may learn more, to share in a more mindful manner, what many are seeking.

Another quote from Chogyam Trungpa:

"We have a fear of facing ourselves. That is the obstacle. Experiencing the innermost core of our existence is very embarrassing to a lot of people. A lot of people turn to something that they hope will liberate them without their having to face themselves. That is impossible. We can't do that. We have to be honest with ourselves. We have to see our gut, our excrement, our most undesirable parts. We have to see them. That is the foundation of warriorship, basically speaking. Whatever is there, we have to face it, we have to look at it, study it, work with it and practice meditation with it."

In the past year I have taken up meditation.  Before my awakening, I would never, never have thought that 'I' Mr motion, would be able to sit still and meditate.  I'm the type of person that even sitting still, a leg is tapping, thoughts are rolling of the next project, the next event, the next experience.  Yet, one of the greatest experiences I have had in life, has been learning how to meditate.   This is very personal, to each of us;  Many people think of meditating as sitting in one place, eyes closed, legs crossed, humming Mantras.    For many, this is exactly it!  However do not limit yourself to what you've read; Meditation takes many forms, and many methods to reach this'peaceful' setting for the mind to explore, for the sub-conscious to be set free from it's reins.  You cannot do meditation out of expectancy; that is to say, setting a timetable for meditation is not always good.  Neither is meditating only when things are not good in life, as if to seek answers.  Meditation is very personal!  This is your time to meet your guides, meet yourself, speak to your inner you, invite your sub-conscious up to take a breath of reality - letting the Mind take a break, but without sleeping.

I thank Chogyam for this quote:

"A saint in the Buddhist someone who provides an example of the fact that completely ordinary, confused human beings can wake themselves up; they can put themselves together and wake themselves up through an accident of like of one kind or another.

The pain, the suffering of all kinds, the misery and the chaos that are part of life, begins to wake them, shake them.

Having been shaken, they begin to question: "Who am I? What am I? What is happening" Then they go further and realize that there is something in them that is asking these questions, something that is, in fact, intellingent and not exactly confused."

I am far from a saint, and really nowhere near reaching my own internal goals for this life, but I'm working on it; for all of us, for all of One.  Shouldn't we all?  I feel that my awakening is greatly akin to how Chogyam writes here about how we all can awake ourselves, if we are ready to be Daring.

So what is this all about?

If you've read this far back, then you may be trying to figure out who I am or where my ideas come from - or what the basis of this blog is.  Well this is that post.   May/June of 2008, I was in a rough period of my life.  This probably comes as no surprise to those already awakened to themselves, or are on the path to enlightenment or 'living a full life'.  Times of pain and trouble, can cause us to raise to our greatest heights - or sink to our lowest lows (once you've hit this 'low' there is nowhere else to go - but up).  This time of hardship and lows - has brought me to a 'high' that I'm not ever retreating from.  My 'coccoon' as described in the 'Sacred Path of the Warrior', is in tatters, but I keep it nearby as a reminder, of where I have been, and where I 'really' want to be, what I want to be, in this life.  I was 'born' catholic, and married catholic, but I'm not a practicer.  I'm heavily into the writings of the Dalai Lamas, Buddhism, Dharma, and many other Eastern Influences into Spirituality.    This is my theme; not religion, but true spirituality, blended with science.  As we advance in technology, we're beginning to prove and build the foundations that we've forgotten already in our past, but is retained through history and religion;  True Spirituality and communement with God or One, is within each of us to produce and live by.  We can no longer live only with the teachings of religion - which are the teachings of man.  I humbly feel we each hold our own answers to One inside each of us.  This blog is about sharing my experiences in this spiritual exploration and sharing these experiences as conversations with other Mindful people.

That's it in a nutshell - this post could be paragraphs, but would turn into a sleeper.   My hope is that this blog will be Daring, challenging to the minds of all (including my own), causing us to re-think Everything we feel we know as Right and Wrong, and spur us all to realize - we know Nothing, yet we have the answers to Everything, inside all of us.

As my 'About Me' pic shows, I have seen my vision of the 'Great Eastern Sun'.  That is - I have seen my Light, Our Light, and it is Good.

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Philosophy blogs