Saturday, April 2, 2011

Science of the Soul - Reincarnation

This is another clip that was featured in Science of the Soul that I watched a few months ago on History International.   Incredibly fascinating, another reason I was able to watch this for 2 hours at 2am in the morning.

What is interesting, is that I think many if not all of us, have these experiences in youth but later 'forget' or don't recall maybe as well as the person next to us.   I had similar events around the age of 4, including the beginning of a 'nightmare' that followed me into adulthood as a reoccurring, occasional dream.  For 2 days after I first had this nightmare at 4, I felt as if I were walking through fog everywhere, in slow motion - nothing felt 'right' even though everything looked familiar.  That soon passed but I still recall those feelings afterwards.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Numerology and possible link to 3 infamous dates in recent and future history

I just realized this - and wanted to share, I know many of us are sending good thoughts/prayer/light/energy to help those in Japan, and I also know many who read this forum have other interests/abilities..   I just realized 2 tragic dates equal another infamous date, and am sharing this for all and for some possible insight. 

9-11-01  Terrorist attacks on US
3-10-11  Japan Earthquake
12-21-12 Well we all know about this date as of recent... 

Lets also put forth our energies of all helpful sorts not only into the present but into the past and future I feel.  Never forget, and always be prepared (to help!), 2 things to remember. 


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Science of the Soul

I watched this entire 2 hour show last week (Science of the Soul, on History International) at 2am in the morning (A great set of syncs that caused me to: be awake at 2am, able to watch TV in bed, and not be tired - all at once). This is a clip (there are a few other parts of it on youtube for your searching) that I was interested in and found when searching for more information about this show/episode.

I found this show to be incredibly amazing, simply gripped me for the full 2 hours.   As science begins to 'point' at the soul/spirit within, it's going to be hard for us all to ignore who and 'what' we truly are. Not that many doubt this - however 'how' they interpret the soul, may be another matter entirely. It'a always a debate - because what does happen to our spirit\soul lays outside this 3D reality we are trapped in; it's almost impossible to imagine - I do feel great spirits of the past and present, have done just this however. This is what beings such as Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad were awakened to and tried to share with us. When our next great being comes, will we be able to pay heed to all the teachings, or will we all as a whole, 'be' our own, great being?


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