Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Grid - united Consciousness's effects on Reality

I think on a level outside our 3d existence - we are sharing/melding 
our energies into 1 gridwork that effects the local '3d' environment. 
That gridwork reflects many levels and types of interest; with many 'grids' for 
various energies that are in play.    In effect; within an enclosed 
part of time-space, we 'do' effect our reality on a grand scale by our 
individual energies pooled into 'One'.  We don't drive 'One', it's a 
reflection of us.  within this grid, we can 'mass effect' our reality, 
and on smaller scales we each can impart or 'drive' our own separate 
realities to a point.  The more energy you put in, the bigger 'bubble' 
around yourself you create of 'instability' or..  Your ability to be 
an individual (ego) in this existence.  How do you put that energy 
in?  By now having big 'walls' of beliefs, by having mental and 
physical focus to effect yourself and the reality around you.  Your 
ability to get 'others' to see and share in 'your' view of reality. 
(Hitler, although not the best being around for so many reasons, had 
quite the 'charm' or.. ability to project his reality and turn others 
to 'his' view).  Imagine, how a being working for 'good' with that 
sort of energetic focus, could/would do?  (All the prophets and 
spiritual beings from so many religions comes to mind in me, with that 

So back to that 3d gridwork, and my 'model'.   Within this grid, we
effect our reality.  It's a physical barrier (we only know about life
on earth, so that's where our influence is right?)  Imagine if we did
habitate the moon or Mars - we would then begin to effect reality
there, and also the already-existing 'grid' there would become inter-
connected with ours. 

I feel as I said that this is really astral travel - OOB, spirit 
walking, whatever you may call it in your beliefs.  For some it's
easier than others - some walk in both worlds at once, or just by
sitting and thinking they get there quickly.   For me it takes a bit
of focus and timing.  Sometimes this happens in dreams, and just about
as many times in meditation.  To get there, I generally do a
meditation using death pose in yoga to relax my body totally (close to
being asleep - awake, probably why it works for me this way 'while'
awake).  I focus inwards, allow myself to 'sink' in then 'rise'
upwards suddenly.  On the way up it's all colors of gold and white,
then things get grey then pop, I'm just there and flying around.  Once
I come to a focus point and I'm not moving, I just seem to look like
'me'.  no sudden transformation, I don't think about it, just blink -
if there's travel and I'm aware of the travel, I'm a CD while doing

It's going to be different for each being I think, some will be
similar and almost the same, but for others it will be a totally
different experience - this may cause some to doubt their own
validation of what they see/feel at times, may cause some to react
with fear and will be so different from their own ideas that it seems
'wrong'.   Thank goodness we can all be different is all I can think
to that, change is the way of the universe, nothing is static;  To try
to exist as static energy will cause you to burn out as does a
lightbulb's filament.  What we 'think' is reality could change in the
blink of an eye, better to be accepting of our differences; it allows
for easier melding of our energy in the grid, unconsciously we are all
working towards this, the current effect is this unconscious effect on
our 'grid' our 'reality'.  That being conflict in our world since
beginning of 'time'.  It'll continue on that's how change works,  The
key is can we get to a point where we are more accepting at least (no
wars, more talk) so our energies (our world and race) can 'gestate' to
a better point.. 
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