Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tides of Change

What really is Change?

Change is Living life, and not growing stale.

Change is taking a step into a new frontier, and Loving the Experience as you do it.

Change is what you make of it - But it is always the presentation of a new, different Reality for you, and possibly others who wish to share this Reality.

Life on this planet is a shared existance, it is a shared Reality; We can't just step off the planet, or step through a wormhole and be elsewhere in the universe!  (Or can we?)

When someone makes a Change - they are reflecting back growth energy into this 3D/Time existance, as well as a 'framework' into Oneness, that closely parodies the actual 3D existance we actually find ourselves in.   'Change' gives the option of a 'new' reality, 'a new beginning'.  With Change, comes the option of using the tools of Love, or Fear.   Will Fear keep you from ever making that Change you are aching for?  Or will you find the Passion of Love, to go forward fearlessly and encounter a new, different experience - a new different Reality?

In this shared Reality we are creating (and ever growing!) - our options are endless, even so far as removing our ability to create intentful Change.  This can already be seen now in some societies, where options are more and more removed, leaving a worn, often followed path of 'quickness' to an end goal being more the 'experience' encountered, than the 'experience' of the actual journey!

We can have our technology,and our spirituality as well - but first we must meld them honestly, into a new Path.  With no Fear, built on the Frameworks of Love and driven with Passion.  The times of the next Tide approaches Quickly now upon our world and all of humanity.  Do not Fear!  This tide has lapped our shores multitudes of times in our mutually shared Reality we call Earth.  It will continue to ebb and flow, and with it as tides do upon the sands of the beaches, it will wash over and help expose, Loving Change.

Embrace this Change you are feeling.  Embrace your experience - it is happening and it is ours, as it has always been, but now it is exposed with this current Tide.  Our time of Change is Now.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Humanity Revolution, our right to exist

Over the ages various beings in the annals of History have stood forth and offered us a glimpse of greatness - the possibilities that are One - Humanity's One.  Sometimes we've created villians of them; often times they become the focus of a 'movement' and as such, many have passed from Reality into the context of Religion.   An even larger portion have no 'name' written down in history for us to discuss - because they did not wish it, or led most humble lives - imparting their wisdom as they deemed right.

However we 'remember' them, their message have always been the same put forth by these beings into the context of their surroundings and their own existance.   That message has always been one of Love.  Love oneself, Love others, Love thy Neighbor, love your children, love your village, love Everyone.

How do we, how can we, why do we - continue to brush aside these messages?   When do the hermits, saints, shamen, holy women and men from all walks of life, come down from their mountain retreats and begin teaching us again, what we continue to forget as a species?

It's all too easy to write something off as 'human nature'.  Human Nature is the ability to inflect thoughtful, Mindful Change around us.  As someone wiser than me once said 'Be the Change you want to See'.   And so these Mindful Beings before us have done so, yet how much of it is taken literally, or just used as pomp and circumstance of some religions for 'other' purposes?

The assortment and uniqueness of these Mindful Beings is without end; they have come from all branches of life; Poor, Rich, Man, Woman..  They have come from a myriad of backgrounds, they 'are' a reflection of Humanity, at our very Best.  There to serve as guides to any that come after that seek this same Oneness, or 'enlightenment'.  Offered in an endless list of tongues, hidden within many of today's Religions, others lost in time, but their impression on those around them was the message itself that they came with.  These messages are strewn across our entire globe, in communities and religions so far flung, as to not even have an idea of each other's existance.    The 'One' message is there, when do the Many decide to answer it's call?

When do we all 'wake up' and find our own messages, awaiting us?   Is it possible for 'everyone' to wake to an internal resolution to be 'more' than they are now?   What would have to happen to cause the rich to not horde, the poor to not lose hope and determination, the angry to find Love, the Hateful to find Peace within..  What 'would' it take?

I'm not here to offer up conclusions, or ideas about the future, rather I'm seeking the answer to this question for my own knowledge - and maybe if I knew this answer, I could help produce it, place it into motion in other's Reality, allow it to breathe and have a life of it's own.

Or maybe that has 'already' been done, and the conclusion awaits our United grasp?
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